What are the Best Ways to Promote Self-Published Ebooks?

I have read so many answers; I am not satisfied with either of them. They are ruining my morale. Therefore, I will suggest some of the best and no charge ways for ebook promotion. They are as follows:


So, a few answers mentioned that they created an FB page. But did any of them do a webinar? None. So, it’s ironic that you are asking for success without making efforts. Anyway, webinars are free of cost, and you can invite people to a topic and discuss the same. During the session, you can explain how you came to learn about it? What did you do after learning? When you are describing the second answer, you can mention your book. Ample people are interested in learning new stuff every day.

App Promotion

Another sure way to promote your book is through your social accounts on apps like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Quora, etc. Aside from this, you can make use of regional apps like ShareChat, Likee, etc. to quote something from your book. It will take 15 to 30 seconds every day but will gather an audience interest.

Write SEO-friendly Content Related to Your Book

Another significant way of promoting your website and your book, at the same time, is to write a summary and a few exciting topics related to your book. Make use of SEO techniques while creating blogs and promoting them organically. Being a writer, you must have already figured out a few by the end of the day.

Make Use of Video Streaming Platforms

One of the most prominent and accessible ways of marketing your ebook is to make videos on topics relevant to your book and mention your book on your streaming platform. You can even record and upload the same video over different platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, etc. If you are providing something useful to the audience or anything unusual, then you will surely gain eyeballs and a potential number of subscribers if you follow proper SEO guidelines.


One of the best ways apart from making exciting and topic-oriented videos is to Go LIVE on all the LIVE streaming platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. By doing so, you will attract your friends, and a few might buy your book too. Also, if you go live on your pages, then you will attract new potential buyers, given that you have written proper description and organically cross-promoted it.

Upload an Audio Version

There are many websites on which you can upload and sell audio versions of your book. So, go ahead and make use of these websites to do podcasts as well as self and book promotion. It will provide you with a side income, which you can then use to upsell your book to a broader audience base by making use of paid ads.

Dedicated Page Promotion

There are an ample number of websites wherein you can create a personal blog, such as Blogger, Wix, Wordpress, etc. Make use of these websites and create personalized content on each of them to promote your ebook for free. It would be awesome if you could create a single-page website hyperlinked to other sites.

Forum Answers

There are many online forums like Reddit, Quora, etc. wherein people are curious about exciting or goal-oriented topics. You can make use of these platforms to provide useful answers and write a bit about your book. If you are scared that they might block you because you are overdoing it, then you should not do it or either add the link as a hyper or a footnote. 

Join Promotion Groups

Another way of free ebook promotion on an Amazon ebook is to join groups on social channels. By doing so, you will be able to promote the book and reach out to potential customers, collaborators, marketers, etc. It will help you to increase the market reach of your book. 

Create Business Pages

Book authors are also potential business owners. Their job is to write, market, and promote their books. Therefore, you need to have a business page to build authenticity in the market. You should make business pages on Google, JustDial, Facebook, etc. Also, don’t forget to add images of your book and your area of expertise to reach out to customers. 

Handouts & Reviews

One of the coolest ways to promote your ebooks on Amazon or any other self-publishing platform is to handout the first edition in exchange for genuine reviews and feedback. Also, you can probably get a few first reviews with the help of your friends and family members. 

If you love this genuine answer, then share the same with your friends. There are a few more tips and tricks. I will keep you up-to-date. 
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